Fo Shizzle

Where I get down with the supa funk ...... I know I sound like a hip hop cool guy, and I am!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

thump thump thump x 130

We went to the Dr's to listen to the heartbeat yesterday. I have to tell you, it is absolutely amazing to hear that little heart racing. The Dr. told us that for the point we are at that the baby's heartbeat was one of the loudest she has ever heard. Of course, she probably tells everbody that. :-)

It was a wonderful experience and next time we get to find out what the sex of it is. Yahooooooo.


Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Somber times

A very dear friend of mine (Tiffany) had lost her fiancee in a motorcycle accident a little over a week ago - and I went out there to be with her for a couple of days. I don't want to go into it much but for whoever out there that reads this - please pray for this woman and her three children - they need it.

If at all possible there were some good things to come from the trip - one being that I got to sit and talk with two other long time friends of mine. It was a real blessing for me to sit and talk with these two women. To learn more about them, about their past, was a wonderful experience.

It was a very quick trip (flying from DC to Portland and back in a four day span) and one that I wish I never had to make. May God find a way to ease Tiffany's spirit during this extremely difficult time.