Renaissance Festival

Meghan and I went to the Renaissance festival yesterday and we had a lot of fun. I'm not sure if we had more fun spending money on fun little things or laughing at all of these jokers that actually dress up. (no, that is not us in the picture) The people in the picture are probably the type that got married there. Yes, as awkward as that may seem, you can get married there. Dungeon's and Dragon's paradise. lol Just in case you have the desire - click the link. wedding info
Meghan did get a really cool bracelet with her birthstone in it and a cool looking Celtic cross necklace. Money well spent. My purchases consisted of the limited numbered beer stein, 3 fill ups (equates to 6) and a turkey leg. Turkey legs are awesome. I absolutely love them. As I sit there and eat it I actually turn into this little kid

We took around $120 cash and spent it on getting in, food, my stein and Meghan's necklace - and then another $300 on the bracelet. Sounds like a pretty fair deal to me. LOL! The weather was perfect and it was nice to hang out with my wife for the day. We don't get to do that a lot so the opportunity was very welcomed.
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