My ankles suck

Earlier I had mentioned that my ankle had been bothering me after that first game. I had another game and it continued to bother me and I have went to the Dr. He told me that I have a severe case of tendonitis. Rehab will hopefully fix it but my spirit is definitely taking a beating here. I've had three surgeries on my right ankle and one on my left (which has the tendonitis). If you look at the inside of your ankle, between the ankle bone and the achilles tendon, are ligaments - that are the cause of my plight.
It is very frustrating dealing with this - yet there isn't much more that can be done. I've begun working out on a more regular basis to lose some weight, which will hopefully take some of the pressure off, but still - the damage is already done - I am just trying to manage it now.
This all started back in 2000 when I was playing volleyball and a guy landed on my ankle. For a year I kept playing on it, after the Dr had told me it was just a bad sprain. The sprain never went away and I eventually had it checked out and they found that the ligament that attaches the fibula to the heel had actually snapped and I was hitting bone on bone causing minute cracks and splintering of the bone. No wonder it hurt like hell all the time. Since that time it's been surgery after surgery trying to get it all stabilized - which works for a little while. I just don't want to end up not being able to do ANYTHING as I get older.
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