Fo Shizzle

Where I get down with the supa funk ...... I know I sound like a hip hop cool guy, and I am!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Cordell Riddick Jr - 11/24/79 - 7/23/06

My heart is heavy, eyes are tired and soul weighed down
365 days have passed since you last walked this earthly ground

Beyond the pearly gates
And out of our reach
You didn’t leave early, or depart too late
God just wanted to walk with you
On His sandy beach

The sun has risen
You are not imprisoned
With a body made from dirt and soil
Your spirit sitting at amazing heights
Knowing that you’re next to God
Brings me joy and helps to make the day shine bright

The pressures of life go on
We all have stress day to day
But the worries fade to grey
As I contemplate how quickly you were taken away

I’ve heard that we shouldn’t be friends
With those of a different color
If I had listened to the fools
I wouldn’t have had such a wonderful brother

I shed tears for a black man
While I am white
Do not let others that lack insight
Determine what is right

Death doesn’t discriminate
I refuse to miss out on life
Because of someone else’s hate
There is no need to be involved
In color related strife

I refuse to be apologetic in my sorrow
For in your death you showed
That there may not be a tomorrow

So on this day that marks one of sad goodbyes
I’d like to thank you for the memories
Smiles, cheers and happy cries
For my life is better for you being in it
No matter the length of the stint


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